What we do

South Island Wellness Society (SIWS) uses Traditional Decision Making processes to facilitate community-based collaborative planning for Aboriginal families that require support to address concerns about the care of their children.

Our Vision and Mission

Our Vision is to enrich the lives of our Children, so they know who they are and where they come from.

Our Mission is to work, with and for our communities, from a child centered perspective with a holistic integrated approach for culturally based and community driven services for families.

Our Values

Our children are our treasures. All that we do is for our children, our children’s children, and those yet to come.

Children are gifts from the Creator and belong to all of us. It takes a whole multi-generational community to raise a child, whether in a city or on the reserve.

Who do we serve?

We serve nine nations on Southern Vancouver Island and the Urban Aboriginal Population.

Beecher Bay







